Our team strives to meet the individual needs of our canine patients and their families. We offer individualized vaccination plans (see puppy plans below), dental programs, spay/neuter plans, senior wellness and more. If there is a service not on the following list that you have questions or concerns about, please don’t hesitate to call or email the office.
- Cesarean sections
- Chemotherapy
- Cruciate Ligament Repair
- Dentistry
- Dermatology
- Urgent Care Services
- Examinations
- Fecal Floats
- Hospitalization
- Health Papers
- In-House Lab Services
- Isolation
- Internal Medicine
- External Lab Services
- Laceration Repair
- Lamenesses
- Neuters
- Obstetrics (birthing)
- Orthopedic Procedures
- Puppy Plans
- Radiography (x-rays)
- Spays
- Surgical Procedures
- Tendon Injuries
- Ultrasound
- Vaccinations

Puppy Plans
In order to best suit your needs and the needs of your puppy, we have designed 4 different puppy plans just for you. Our puppy plans are intended to get your pup off to the best start possible and pave the road to great health! All puppy plans include 10% of all items and services in clinic for 1yr and 15% off your puppy’s spay or neuter (if done with in 12 months of the first vaccination appointment).
PP3: (under 12wk’s)
Includes 3 exams, initial and 2 DAP (Distemper/Adenovirus/Parvovirus) booster vaccinations, Rabies vaccination and deworming
PP3+KC: (under 12wk’s)
Includes 3 exams, initial and 2 DAP (Distemper/Adenovirus/Parvovirus) booster vaccinations; Rabies & Kennel Cough Vaccinations and deworming
PP2+KC: (12wks to 12mo’s)
Includes 2 exams, initial and booster DAP (Distemper/Adenovirus/Parvovirus) vaccination; Rabies vaccination; Kennel Cough vaccination and deworming
PP2: (12wks to 12mo’s)
Includes 2 exams, initial and booster DAP (Distemper/Adenovirus/Parvovirus) vaccination; Rabies vaccination and deworming